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How to Clean and Update Your Salesforce Data

Data is essentially considered the lifeblood for most companies. It is what keeps the business alive and kicking. Not only does your data provide valuable insights into their organization and its customers, but it also empowers teams to take action.

That being said, it’s important that you keep your data clean and free from errors and inaccuracies. This is essential for sales teams as it enables them to properly focus on exploring leads, fostering customer relationships, and meeting business goals instead of constantly having to verify the integrity of their already existing data. 

Dirty data will not only affect the productivity of your team, but it can also possibly hurt your relationships with your customers or worse, damage your reputation as a business. 

In this article, we’re going to discuss some important practices that you should practice in order to keep your Salesforce data clean and updated

Here we go!

Remove Duplicates

It’s not very unlikely that you’ll have duplicates of several contacts. This can lead to confusion down the road as you wouldn’t know which contact is the right one that’s still active and you have to go through all the duplicates, wasting more of your time. As soon as you spot a duplicate contact, do yourself a favor and remove it right away.

Regularly Update and Complete Missing Info

Companies tend to update their information quite often, whether it’s just mere little tweaks here and there on their website or completely changing their phone number and address. If you don’t keep up with their changes on crucial information, you’ll be burdened with the hassle of tracing any new information down again. Be sure to do a regular check-up and update on data information.

Aside from regularly updating data information, you also have to make sure that you don’t have any information missing. Make sure that you have included all the important details.

Remove Lapsed Leads and Inactive Contacts

More often than not, you will have stale leads in your database. What you do with these is not hold on to them in the hopes that they might become active again someday. These stale leads will just sit and unnecessarily crowd up your database. Be sure to regularly de-weed your database of leads that have gone cold. The same goes for contacts that are not active anymore. Keeping them there might confuse your team when they try to draw leads from your existing pool of contacts.

Find Best-fit Companies and Accounts

The best way to avoid collecting stale and inactive leads is to find contacts that fit the services and products that you offer the most. These contacts are sure to interact with you and be interested in your products and services. This way you don’t clog up your database with contacts that have a slim chance of buying from you.

Identify Relevant Document Management

Document identification is one of the main driving forces when it comes to creating a document management plan. A good document management system is going to help you organize all your files and data in one place as well as keeping track of all your critical documents, speed up your workflow, and improve accuracy and provide around the clock access to all your documents which in this case is going to be your database.


Keeping track of your Salesforce database is crucial in order to make sure that all your contacts are fresh, up-to-date, easy to access, and nurture. We hope that our tips will help you manage your salesforce database better and more efficiently than before. If you have any more questions, Callbox will gladly help you! Just give us a ring!