Sales Keywords and Phrases That Catch Prospects’ Attention

Language is a very powerful tool. The words we use can either build up somebody or destroy him. They can even pull your business up or tear it down. That is why you have to be careful of the words you use in your marketing campaign because they can either attract or repel your prospects.

As a company with exceptional experience in providing lead generation services for over a decade, we’d love to share with you the list of words that we’ve leveraged to capture our prospects and the various ways on how you can utilize them to your advantage.

Words that Attract Your Prospects

The words “free,” “new,” and “more” are some of the most common words that attract us to things. Below are more words that attract and catch your prospect’s attention:


The word “avoid” appeals to our psyche because it connotes protection against future possible losses. According to aversion theory, our brains are wired to avoid losses. For example, if we are presented with an opportunity to gain $20 but we have to bet $5, we’d choose to keep the $5 because we don’t want to lose it despite the promise of greater gain. 

In sales prospecting, you can attract your prospects by using the word “avoid” in your headline. 

If you are offering a cloud service, for example, you can say: Avoid losing your precious data with our trusted cloud service management.

If you are selling an energy-saving tool, your sales copy should say: Avoid high electric bills by installing our energy-saving tool.


One of the basic rules when creating your sales copy is to use the second person. The logic behind that is letting the audience feel that you are speaking directly to them. However, it does not mean that you cannot use the first person, specifically the plural form, “we.”

When you use the word “we” in your sales copy, it sends a message to your readers that you empathize with them, that you understand what they’re going through. And psychology tells us that we trust those who show empathy to us. 


Why does the word “simple” appeal to us? Because it signifies ease, comfort, and less complication. Your prospects have a lot on their plates already and they don’t want to add more. But if you present something that is quick and painless, they won’t hesitate to give it a try. 

Why do you think “3 Simple Steps to Losing Weight” appeals to a lot of people? 

Related: Secrets of a Sales Prospecting Email that Prospects Can’t Say No To


The word “imagine” invites your prospect to envision a better situation than what they are in right now. That also signifies optimism to rise above any challenges your audience may have now. Most of all, it gives them an understanding of what their lives will look like if they use the solution you are offering. 

Check this viral ad to see what happens when you ask your prospects to “imagine” the result they want in real life.


In his book “Start with Why,” author Simon Sinek stressed the importance of why in everything you do or create because it defines the purpose of your action or product. It also allows you to reach your goals much more quickly because it gives people a clear picture of the effect of what you are proposing.

Compare these two requests:

  1. Can we have a meeting with you this week?Can we have a meeting with you this week because we want to give you something?

Which of the two requests do you think will get a positive response? The second one, right? 

The word “because” does not only give a strong cause and effect but also gives enough motivation to do a certain action. Because, when you use it in your sales letter, you are priming your prospect to do a certain action.


Mind your language — are the words you’re using attracting your prospects or shooing them away from you?