The Recipe for an Award-Winning Content Dish [INFOGRAPHIC]

Blog content plays a very vital role in generating B2B leads as much as drawing awareness towards your product. Much like cooking stew worthy of Gordon Ramsay, mixing the right content maximizes the appeal of your blog, urging people to come back for more.

In this infographic, we explore the most important content types to add to your blogging recipe.

The Recipe for an Award-Winning Content Dish

1-2 Cups of Infographics

You can’t have a blog without producing visual material at least once a month. So, start researching for infographic ideas and share them across different social media.

Did you know? 40% of people respond better to visual information than plain text.

A Dash of Video

An informative video that is worth a prospect’s time is at any rate a good lead generation device. For best results, make it stand out and insert a highly engaging call-to-action.

Did you know? By 2017, 74% of total internet traffic will be video.

Here’s How to start creating your own infographic.

A Slice of Whitepaper

Too technical? Nah! Whitepapers are in fact effective in pushing potential leads to engage you. Just get your facts straight and your details hard.

Did you know? Whitepapers can also be shared with companies as reference material for industry research projects.

2 Tablespoons of Embedded Tweets

Using embedded tweets, promote your and other people’s content. Aside from giving your engagement rates a boost, it also gains the affection of the influencers whose “tweets” you shared.

Did you know? About 34% of marketers use Twitter to generate leads.

3 Pieces of Quality Articles

Delivering quality articles is no doubt an important strategy for increasing traffic. Pay attention to important keywords and focus more on solving problems than on merely giving your insights.

Did you know? At least 81% of B2B companies use blog articles for driving quality traffic.

2 Servings of Case Studies

Narrow your case studies down to the most serious problems. Now, tell how your company was able to solve them by using a storytelling formula that leads from the problem to its corresponding resolution.

Did you know? Along with whitepapers and other technical documents, case studies are proven to increase your credibility and brand image.

A Whole Lot of TLC

Don’t rush! Spend a great deal of time coming up with quality content ideas. Let them simmer for a while and take extra care to make them extra special just for your audience.

Related: Is Quality B2B Content Dead?

Have your hands full cooking quality content for your blog? Did we ever mention we are expert kitchen hands with experience in results-driven telemarketing and email? No? Take off your apron and let’s talk about that.