4 COVID-19 Email Examples From Your Favorite Brands

As the world reels from the impact of COVID-19, businesses are unsure how to promote their products and services. Indeed, how can you urge people to buy when everyone is in the dark and doesn’t know what happens next. How can you market your brand amidst all the fear and uncertainty?

Instead of giving up, you adapt and evolve — finding ways to get past these difficult times. If there is any time to be strategic, now is the time. If there is any good time to market your brand, it is now. And because email marketing has one of the channels with the highest ROI but lowers the cost, it’s the most ideal route to take to keep in touch with your customers and prospects. 

Here are some email marketing examples sent by different brands during the course of this recent pandemic. We will break down some important points why these emails are some of the best.

EntreLeadership: Free and Valuable

Coaching services, EntreLeadership, lives up to its name of helping businesses grow by hosting a free online leadership event. What makes the offer even more irresistible is that the speakers are all top business leaders. On a usual day, these conferences cost hundreds of dollars, but they’re offering it for free. The move sends a clear message to their clients and prospects that their commitment does not change no matter how difficult and challenging the season is.


Freshworks: Relevant and Thoughtful

During the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were some businesses that capitalized the crisis to promote their products and services. It produced negative results because their efforts came out insensitive and opportunistic. 

Freshworks, on the other hand, was able to nail it with a thoughtful and relevant email. They empathized with their readers, voicing out the fears and questions everyone else is asking. They also expressed their support and most of all, they provided tools and other resources that will help not only their clients but also their prospects. 

Plus point for Freshworks – an eye-catching and interesting headline.

Salesforce: Bring Out Your Best People

Speaker and bestselling author, John Maxwell said that “people buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.” Such is the responsibility of a leader. In the same way, encouraging your customers and offering them solutions are commendable. However, the impact of your message becomes weightier if it comes from you – the leader – himself, or from your top people. 

Salesforce understands this principle and sent out an email inviting their customers to a webinar featuring their top people. The email speaks volume because it reflects their value and strength while offering assistance to their customers.

Canva: Positive and Aware

Aside from sounding opportunistic and negative, sending out an over-bubbly email can be very annoying. Such tone will come across as being naïve, as if you don’t care about what’s happening. You have to find the balance of awareness and positivity in your email message. Canva has managed to convey that kind of message in their email below.

Final Takeaway

Although uncertain times are not permanent, they have a significant impact on how businesses deal with their customers and market their products. But whether these are difficult times or not, you need to adapt and evolve with the seasons without abandoning your core values. Learn from the businesses above and take your brand to the next level despite the uncertainty.