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Marketing Strategies to Outpace your Competition

In order to survive, marketers must be able to find, reach, engage and acquire customers in a competitive environment where other brands are rushing to do the same. The competition in the business world only gets thicker every day, so it’s important that you are ready to adapt and take innovative steps not to get drowned out.

Ultimately, what you want to do is stay miles ahead of your competitors. Well, actually, there are many lead generation services and solutions available to help you achieve that goal. For now, let’s take a look at the different marketing strategies that will guarantee you to stay ahead of your competition at all times.

Content Marketing

Don’t add content marketing to your marketing strategy with a half-baked approach and don’t expect miracles — you need to work consistently over time to get results.

If you want to rank higher in search engine results, you need to create the right content and promote it in the right ways. After all, the web is powered by content. 

The importance of content marketing in digital marketing relates to its ability to increase the volume of quality traffic to your website. Content is king in creating awareness and generating quality leads which sustains healthy sales growth. Strategized and properly executed content has the power to pull your audience to your business’s website — which is ultimately the place where they will convert into leads, and then sales.

The most effective way to drive traffic to your website is through the content that you develop for your blog, for SEO, and for your social media marketing. While there are plenty of important elements that live under these categories, it all boils down to the quality of your content.

The higher the quality of the content, the more valuable it is to your audience, and the more likely they are to engage with your business. The more they engage with your business and spend time on your website, the more likely they are to develop trust in your brand and become a prospect and client. Leaving you with a big return on your investment in content marketing.

Cross-Border Expansion

Globalization is not simply a trend; it is now a necessity for companies to remain competitive in their space. For companies that want to pursue international expansion, there are many opportunities to take advantage of. These include gaining access to new markets, growing teams, and increasing revenue.

When you think global and expand internationally, you’re already miles ahead of your competitors who haven’t taken this leap yet.  Be sure to incorporate the overall vision for your business in your global expansion strategy, and address the goals you want to achieve by expanding into each new foreign market. 

Related: A B2B Guide to Successful Cross-border Expansion

Grow Your Email List

Email marketing helps you not only build a relationship with your customers but also gives you a proven way to nurture leads and convert them into long-lasting customers. 

No matter what type of business you operate in, an email list is the most important element of a successful marketing strategy. With that list, you can share your story, promote your business, and showcase your products, all while turning subscribers into paying customers. 

healthy email list means that you approach those people who are aware of you, engaged with your brand, and have signed up for your newsletter. Only these kinds of contacts will provide you with high conversion rates and generate strong e-commerce marketing results.

This should be done at least once per year. Most good email marketing solutions will make it easy to do so. Focus on quality, not quantity.

Related: How to Build and Grow Your Marketing Database in 2021

Hold Webinars

Webinars are just like online seminars. While it takes practice and good preparation to deliver an effective webinar, a webinar can become a powerful tool for businesses to market their product or services and to increase the brand awareness metrics within a new market or an existing one. Aside from enabling you to build thought-leadership in your domain, they can provide healthy fodder for a pipeline of leads to keep coming in. Webinars offer your audience the opportunity to understand your business more deeply. 

There is little need to manage and arrange the logistics for it to make it possible. Webinars, if done well, allow you a chance to have a meaningful, detailed, and helpful conversation with your prospective buyers at less cost. 

Now, if you are wondering how webinars are different from video marketing, then you need to understand the principle of scarcity. While with a video, the audience can conveniently pause and resume, and then (maybe) forget about it altogether, in the case of a webinar, the attendee makes an effort to mark it to the calendar, show up at the scheduled time and anticipate his takeaways.  

Despite the known advantages of webinars, many companies are doing an inferior job with their webinars. We are going to cover tips for you about how to go about to design and deliver the perfect webinar. Nowadays, most of the webinars are with one person mostly running a set of slides, or in the worse case a pre-recorded narration. That is a recipe for disaster. 

Related: Sell the Webinar First, Your Product Second

Develop a Strong Customer Advocacy Program

Build a sense of loyalty by launching a customer advocacy program to leverage social media to drive more business. It will help a marketer better understand their customers, which will lead to more success and customer loyalty.

Brand advocates are often present to have a say in their brand’s visibility over social media and in their share of business since social media became part of the customer experience and customer journey. An advocacy strategy will enhance customer experiences by connecting design with knowledge and loyalty.

Brands should be empowered to watch their active interest across social media, and give a way to understand their existing customers and products to develop an advocacy strategy.