Best Sales Tactics for Top B2B Industries

Each industry demands a different method of selling — even though the general theories are the same.

It is through adapting theories into practical approaches that are relevant and customized to your strategy that you can be truly successful.

From B2B Healthcare to telecommunications, we take a look at how marketers adapt to their industry’s challenges!

IT and Software

IT and software demand technical information to be available for its decision-making units. However, they are not the only ones making decisions. A marketer that is working in the tech market should be able to provide for both the technical needs of specialists and a more straightforward approach for those that are not well-versed in the field. By being able to achieve this balance, a multifaceted approach is created in the lead generation process.

This makes it easier for all members of the prospective organization to assimilate the information that you are feeding them for them to make a decision to use your product or service.


The niche market of consultancy requires a more technical approach, even in its lead generation and nurturing strategies. This means that a method, such as account-based marketing (ABM) would be more effective.

By being able to segment your target prospects, you will be able to target them with personalized and customized messages making your marketing campaign more effective and saving on resources since you don’t have to waste time and money on activities and channels that don’t influence the bottom line.

Following on the ABM tactic, you should be able to focus all your attention on specific buyer personas that can be converted given your time frame. Lead nurturing should be consistent as well as your goal of a constant stream of clients coming in.

Related: Industry Insights: Marketing in a Shifting Management Consulting World

B2B Healthcare

The most significant pain point of B2B healthcare is its long sales cycles and its risk-averse decision-makers, but marketers have started to adapt to these processes by recognizing and responding to these issues. Lead nurturing takes prominence in B2B healthcare as it is essential to keep prospects engaged until the next fiscal cycle where they can finally purchase your product.

It is also vital to ramp up content marketing strategies that are inclined to answer potential questions that prospects might have concerning your product or service. By being able to nurture leads for more extended periods, and provide for their information needs, you can position your company to be on top of the running.

Another consideration is that you have should be well-versed in HIPAA compliance if you are offering a service that deals with private records of patients in medical institutions. You are not only trying to market your organization as someone that they can trust but also as an organization that increases their’ shareholders’ trust with them.

Related: The Top 6 Sales and Marketing Pain Points of B2B Healthcare

Financial Services

Financial services are a broad industry that covers everything from B2B to B2C sales. However, just in the case of niche consulting, it has to adapt an ABM approach with a focus on creating personalization for the personas that they are trying to target. Financial services are some of the most competitive markets in the world today, and even prospects that belong to this market subsector are harder to reach.

The approach should be targeted, honest with the bottom line, and consistent. When money is involved, it is essential to be clear with the message that you are trying to get across.

Adding a lead nurturing process should also be on top of the list of tips to do.


Telecom is another industry where competition can be fierce, and this is why it is crucial to be able to communicate your unique selling proposition to the prospects that you have. By doing this, you can set yourself apart from the rest. However, this isn’t easy without a proper information dissemination campaign at your disposal.

It is also essential that you get your technical facts straight when you’re dealing with selling to telecommunication buyers. Once you identify the solutions to their unique pain points, it is then that you can attempt to make significant moves.

Related: Industry Insights: A Telco Player’s Guide to Win B2B Buying Teams Over

A Final Caveat

There will be many instances where you will be dealing with a technical team that will make recommendations to the DMUs, and this is where you need to make sure that your material works. By being able to provide more comfortable-to-understand content for non-technical types, you can help these teams sell your product to the higher-ups for you.

In marketing and sales, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. You need to be able to adapt to the market and the unique pain points that your industry has. By doing so, you will be able to create a targeted approach that is more efficient in marketing resources and more effective at driving sales. The trick to mastering lead generation is the ability to adapt.